Trump ba shi kadai bane: 30% na Amurkawa basu da masaniyar yadda Intanet ke aiki

Trump ba shi kadai bane: 30% na Amurkawa basu da masaniyar yadda Intanet ke aiki
Trump ba shi kadai bane: 30% na Amurkawa basu da masaniyar yadda Intanet ke aiki
Written by Babban Edita Aiki

Do you know how the internet works? Could you actually explain it? Turns out, Amirkawa may not know as much about the internet and everyday technology as they think they do. And most recent survey of 1,000 Americans nationwide proves it.

Here are some of our most interesting findings:

• 86% of surveyed Americans say they know how the internet works, but when asked to explain it, only 66% of them actually could.

• 1 in 3 Americans cannot explain how the internet works. Some of the most creative responses we got included: “it just does,” “under the oceans,” “through pipes” and “through airwaves.” We’ll give an A for effort.

• 33% of surveyed Americans believe their current cell phone uses 5G. (5G internet hasn’t rolled out to many consumers yet, but AT&T got in legal trouble for misleading consumers by labelling their 4G LTE network as ‘5Ge’. Oops.)

• 43% of people think you can use the internet without a modem.

• On the bright side… Most of those surveyed did know what an IP address is, what a cookie is, what the difference between WiFi and internet is, and that you need more download speed than upload speed. Phew!


  • • On the bright side… Most of those surveyed did know what an IP address is, what a cookie is, what the difference between WiFi and internet is, and that you need more download speed than upload speed.
  • • 86% of surveyed Americans say they know how the internet works, but when asked to explain it, only 66% of them actually could.
  • • 43% of people think you can use the internet without a modem.


Game da marubucin

Babban Edita Aiki

Babban editan aiki shine Oleg Siziakov

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